Monday, July 14, 2014

On the way to north Georgia, I stopped at the Georgia Veterans State Park campground where they have a military museum. Displays are both inside and outside.  Outside are a B29 Superfortress bomber of WW II, jets from the 50's, WW II tanks and cannons.                                                          In Dahlonega, Ga there is a gold museum in the old courthouse that was built in 1836.  Gold was discovered in 1828 nearby.  It was panned in the stream, or hydraulic pressured water hoses blasted away sides of hills, or mined and the rocks crushed to separate gold from the other minerals.  The US government put a mint in Dahlonega to make gold coins.  The civil war brought an end to the mint.  After the war the building was used by the North Georgia College.  After it burned down, the foundation was used for a new college building which still stands today on campus.
In the mountain tops near Blue Ridge, Ga people have built large homes ("cabins") wherever there is a good view of the mountains and valleys of forests that cover the area.  Hopefully not too many cabins will be built that the view will become a view of cabins on mountain tops. Friends of ours recently retired and bought a mountaintop home with a wonderful view of the Chattahoochee National Forest.  I was lucky to be there the same day our friend Julie was starring in the very funny play "Always a Bridesmaid".  She is experienced in community theatre and lucky for Blue Ridge she didn't retire from her hobby of acting.
veterans state park museum
gold museum in courthouse
view from our friends home


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